Friday, January 16, 2009

New Year Fun

We went to church on New Year's Eve, then the teens went to the Bryans' home to spend some time with Johnny, as he still wasn't able to get out and about. The girls were home in time to ring in the new year with us, though, so we toasted with Sparkling Grape Juice in my snowman goblets. TJ spent the night with the Bryans.

Theron, Nancy, and Chrissy

Kristen, Mary, and Sam
On January 2nd, the Bryans came over to hang out for awhile. While Darlene and I played Quelf with the kids, our husbands hooked my computer up to the tv and messed with my Facebook page. Then, Theron came over and took some pics of us at the game table.

Looks like a pretty normal game, huh? Sure it is!!

Here are Joey & me following the directions on our cards, so that we don't have to move our tokens backwards! The things we'll do not to, we are not competitive at all!!

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