Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bird Watchin'

I've been enjoying listening to and watching the birds around our house. We aren't way out in the country, but we are not right in the city, so we have a lot of birds that frequent our yard. Theron put up a birdfeeder in the back and one hanging on the end of the front porch. I even bought a book with the birds' calls in it recently, so I can learn which birds are what when I hear and see them. Here are a few pictures I've taken this week.
This was a female cardinal in the neighbor's tree.
I think this is a mourning dove...have to check my book. :)

The one on the right must be close to a worm. He isn't dead...just looks like it!

Not sure what this little guy is.

I think these are doves, too. They were on the deck this morning. I took these through the window and screen!

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