Wednesday, May 14, 2008

From Florida to a Flood

Well, on Sunday night after church, our basement flooded from our sump pump overflowing. Chrissy went downstairs around 10 p.m. and yelled for us to come down. Mary took pictures of the basement while we were trying to salvage stuff on Sunday night, so I'll post those later. Anyway, it was ankle deep all throughout the basement. Our Foosball and air hockey tables are ruined, so Theron has already hauled them away. :( We think the drywall may need to be replaced, too, as the water seeped up into it in some places. Theron worked all day long yesterday ripping up the carpet and padding as it was starting to stink pretty badly. We are using the dehumidifier and fans down there constantly to keep the mildew away. I wanted to repaint the basement, but sure didn't plan on this extensive of a reorganization right now. My library and dining room as well as garage are filled with "stuff" now! EEK! Calgon, take me away! At least I am getting rid of lots of junk and throwing away anything that got
ruined by the water. We still haven't heard from our insurance company, but I'm sure the tornado victims from last week have bigger needs than we do right now. Hopefully we'll hear from them tomorrow.

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