Friday, December 26, 2008

Johnny is Getting Stronger!

Johnny is now off of dopamine (sp?). He is able to hold his blood pressure steady without it. It all started turning around during our church service and then really started steadying out the hour after church was out. Miracle!! They doctor's were making a place for him in the PICU as he was in that downward spiral that they all know, but he didn't have to go. He took himself off of a few monitors this morning, and got up and sat in a chair. He is now sitting up (not sure if in bed or in a chair) and doing well. He wants to go home, but the doctors want to monitor him and make sure he is steady. He still isn't ready for visitors. They are still trying to figure out where the infection came from, so they should find out today. He still doesn't have an immune system, as whatever this is is eating up his blood. Darlene said Johnny's spirit is so sweet and quiet. She said he is very humbled by what has happened and is very thankful for how God brought him out of all that. She said it was the best Christmas she's ever had. Just being with him and relishing the time they had together. Bill was with his mom all day, as she was here for Christmas. He wanted to be with Darlene and Johnny, but had to help his mom. But Darlene said she got her Christmas miracle and she is so thankful. She said thanks for praying. It meant a lot to her that Pastor, Kenny and Mike brought her all those names of who was at church praying. She knows there were many more who weren't able to make it who were praying, too. That was such a testimony to the doctors and nurses! Thanks, again, for your prayers for them. I think that is everything she told me....she was just so excited when I called this morning, because he is off the dopamine, and that was a big step. She was so thankful he held through the night and that he is improving. Keep praying!!

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