Thursday, September 11, 2008

More PCC Trip Pix

Theron and I walked on the beach one afternoon, and took a few pictures of sea creatures and each other...hopefully, you can tell the difference! haha

This is the first of many jelly fish we saw along our walk. The hurricane must've washed a bunch on shore. This was as big as a dinner plate!

The waves got much smaller but were still a bit higher than the norm for this part of FL.Theron took this of you can see, it was very windy, and I was trying to hold my hair back...I was NOT trying to "pose". haha He waited forever to take the pic, as he was trying to catch the waves at the perfect time. There were still bands of rain coming in off the ocean.
I took this of Theron Still Got It After All These Years :)

I took walks down the beach on Wed and Thursday mornings while Theron worked This picture was blurry, but I still like it because the waves are so churned up.

Chrissy, Lydia, and Mary at Olive Garden our last day with the girls.Lydia took this for us outside of the restaurant. She retook it, though, as she said my hair got in my eyes.haha She is so cute.Here's the retake

Here are some more tourists...setting up a cabana on the was still pretty windy, so it made me laugh. It took them forever, but they did get it to stay up.

More pictures from my walks

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