Saturday, March 28, 2009

March 17th Green Night at Church

Twice a year, our ladies get together for food, fun, and fellowship and draw for Secret Sisters. We always have a good time, but I have to say that I think this one was the best one I've attended..or at least one of the best. Our Youth Pastor and his sidekick, I mean assistant ran a game for us. We played Wheel of Fortune with each table being a team. It was so much fun, even though our table didn't fare to well on the Wheel. :)Jeanine was in charge and did a wonderful job putting it all together. The sweet lady in the bottom right is Mrs. Oliver. She is Mary's adopted Granny and very special.Pastor Mike instructing us on the rules. Isn't she, HE, beautiful? Jon Blakemore was such a good sport and even donned a "Vanna" wig to play the part of the dutiful letter turner. :)

We are a pretty competitive group, and all had a great time trying to solve the puzzles when it was our turn to spin the wheel.

Carole waiting sort of patiently for Mike to stop reading the hint. haha

Lori, after the wheel turned on us, I think. :O

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