Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Flat Mary & Flat Chrissy at the Fall Festival

Flat Mary and Flat Chrissy were able to go to the Fall Festival night on Halloween!! Here they are in different stations we had set up at our church. It was a great night!! The Shooting Gallery

In the Packing Peanuts

Amanda with the girls!!

Putt Putt Time

Face Painting with Lindsey

Girls, get out of the candy!!

Bean Bag toss

Bobbying for Apples.... I wouldn't let them get IN the water...too many things floating in there along with the apples. EWWWW

Mikeala trying to figure out "Sam's sisters"

"There I think that is about right." "Here they are!!"

Zack and Josh with Flat Mary and Flat Chrissy on the hayride!! Aww, their first date??

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Wow, if I found life-sized chocolate, I'd sure jump in that bowl too!