Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Busy Days of Summer

I'm not sure where the term "lazy days of summer" came from, but around our house we always seem to have something going on. That's a good thing, of course! Here are a few snapshots of some of our days in June.Lisa and Bethany dropped by for a visit in early June. We had been to Michael's and bought some little craft things to keep the girls busy for a bit. Here is Sam puting together her monkey. Here is Bethany, puting together her doggy.
The Weaver kids stopped by one weekend and were able to spend some time with us after church. They loved playing the Wii.
Here is another view of the kids in the family room

Here's Stephen, teaching Nathen how to be cool.

1 comment:

Doug and Terrye said...

I want to see Bethany's finsished Monkey!!!

Terrye in FL