Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Here they are on their first birthday. We all look so much the same now as we did then, right? haha This was taken at Ft. Huachuca, AZ. We had lots of friends from church over to celebrate.

Here is my mom with Chrissy and my dad with Mary. They never missed one of the girls' birthdays. They flew or drove to wherever we were to help us celebrate each year.
Here are Chrissy and Mary blowing out their candles on their 2nd birthday while Daddy holds heir cake. Chrissy is sure tyring to get those candles out!!
Here they are singing a song for everyone at Grandma Stone's house. They were probably singing Victory in Jesus, as that was their favorite one to sing.Here they are getting ready to blow out the candles on their third birthday...this one at Aunt Jo's in Sarasota, FL.

Today is Mary and Chrissy's 19th birthday. It is the first time I've been away from them on their big day. Theron is making a stopover in Pensacola on his way to GA for a business trip to spend some time with the girls and take them to dinner. He is SUCH a great dad! He took their presents and will buy a cake and flowers for them once he gets there. They don't know about the cake and flowers, so that will be neat!
These are a few pictures from their first 3 birthdays. Seems like yesterday!! Enjoy your kids when they are young...time goes way to quickly. I enjoy each stage of my kids' lives, but remember you can never get those times back, so have fun at every stage!!

We love you, Chrissy and Mary!! We are so proud of you. We are thankful to God for letting us have such wonderful girls as you are. You truly are a blessing from the Lord. I can't wait to see you next week!! We'll have so much fun while you are home.


Blakemore Family said...

Happy Birthday, Chrissy & Mary! We can't wait until you come home!!!

And, as always, I say Happy Labor Day to you, Nancy, who did all the work that wonderful day 19 years ago!

Caleb and Emily's Mommy said...

Hope the girls have a great birthday! Your post made me want to cry- I suppose its the postpartum hormones!