We spent about 5 days in Columbus, GA with Theron. We had a great mini vacation. Theron took us out to eat every day and we saw two movies, shopped til we dropped at the PX a few times and played putt putt golf. We did some sight seeing, too. We actually got to see guys jump from the planes at Benning, but those are on TJ's camera. I will get them uploaded soon. That was so awesome! They guys were all very excited as they were walking back up to the bus. It was their first or second jump. I love our military!!

Downtown Columbus

Theron, doing a PCC pose, pointing out the dam to TJ and Sam.

Sam down from the dam.

TJ on the boardwalk by the river which separates GA and AL.

Me and Theron

Another view of the dam and downtown Columbus.

The dam with some kayaker in the water.

A view of the riverwalk. It actually goes on for miles and miles...this is the end, I think, and it starts all the way back at Ft. Benning.

Happy looking bunch! I think they were tired of pictures.

A wild boar someone had hit on Benning. It was huge!

Some of the hangars at Benning, where the guys board the planes to go jump.

A jump tower. They are 250 feet high. Theron learned to parachute at Benning years ago. It is so fun to listen to him talk about the school. He jumped from these very towers.

Another view of the towers.

Sam and TJ at Steak N Shake. The couple behind them looked perturbed that I was taking a picture. If you see them on Most Wanted, call me!

Me and Theron just enjoying being together.

There is an inside Putt Putt golf place near Theron's hotel. It was pretty cool!

Getting ready to leave to go to FL. It was so hard to leave Theron.

We left and headed to Sarasota.
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