We made it into Sarasota in great time on Tuesday. We hit the pool almost immediately!! Jo had a great dinner for us and Brian, SanDee and Mogley came over, too.

Sam, Jo, Dave, TJ, SanDee & Brian as we were eating a wonderful meal!
SanDee, Brian, Nancy, Sam, Jo & Dave (who doesn't think he's in the pic!)
Another shot
Mogley, Max and Buddy hoping for some table scraps as we were cleaning up.
Waiting out the thunderstorm. It was huge and went on forever. I enjoyed it, though, because we were all inside and NOT driving anywhere!
Mogley was very scared and didn't care who knew it!
Hanging out eating dessert!
This is on Thursday in Jo's game room. We meet Shonia and Creek at Siesta, then Creek came over to spend some time with us. She is so sweet and very funny! This is Rylie, Samantha, KK and Creek.

Kara and her two sweeties in the pool showing us their new pool skills.
Rylie, being sweet.
Creek lounging in the pool.
KK on the steps
Creek and Rylie in the kitchen while he pretends he's gonna shoot me.
In the kitchen lickin the bowl!
Hanging out eating dessert!
KK on the steps
Sweet Siblings
KK with D
Sam and Creek in the game room