Every year our church holds a Missions Conference. We usually have a Wed night intro night with a missionary or two. Then on Saturday, we have a dinner fellowship and missionaries are there. On Sunday the whole day of services is dedicated to Missions, also. It is always such a blessing to hear different missionaries from all over the world share their burdens for unsaved souls. Here are a few pictures from tonight's dinner. I hope to have more pics tomorrow. One of our missionary families this year is heading to Arctic Siberia. What a great blessing to hear their burden for souls in an almost forgotten area of our world!

Here are some of the tables set up for the food and fellowship time. The two people in the foreground are our missionaries (and friends) to Chuuk, The Phillips.

Pastor Reid kicking off the evening with announcements.

Another view of the room set up for diner. Hi, Rachael!!

One more view. Isn't it fun to enlarge the pics and look at peoples' expressions?? :)

One of our cute little boys, Zack!

Johnny, Joey and TJ were tagged to help with the juniors. They had their hands full!!

Aren't they cute, all dressed alike?
And here is another cutie. I asked him if I could take his picture, as when I walked up he had tons of chocolate all over his face. He promptly grabbed a napkin and wiped his face. I said, "No, don't do that, the chocolate will make it an even better picture!" So, he grinned really big.
Awww, seeing all those little faces makes me wonder how many future missionaries I'm looking at :)
Terrye in FL
That is soooo cool how you got the music to start once you open your blog!!! How did you do that? I want to do it!!!!
Hello, hello! Is anyone there??? Where did you go? I need my Nancy-fix!!! ;)
Terrye in Fl
Yeah, I noticed the 3 guys dressed alike that night! Was that planned?
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