Every year on New Year's Eve, our church holds a Chili Supper and Talent Show. Lots of people bring their homemade chili and desserts. Then, we have the entertainment. Sunday School classes are encouraged to do a skit of some sort. I have pictures of all the entrants, except for the Scantlin girls and some of the 30's ladies' "annoying commercial" skits. I was getting ready for one of the 30's ladies' skits (no, I'm not 30, but I teach that class) so missed taking a pic of the Scantlins. As you will see, we have some REAL talent at our church!!

Here is Pastor Reid displaying the "coveted" urn. The winner gets to take this home for a year!!

Pastor Reid has in the past few years, handed over the MC job to his son, Pastor Mike.

The first skit was one the teens did about a box with something dripping out of it. As all the teens tasted the mystery liquid they described what it tasted like. At the end, we learn that the mystery box had a puppy in it. Haha

Frank Devenuto "entertained" with some jokes and a "song". I wonder why his wife didn't show up..... Just kidding, Nancy & Frank!!

The teens did another skit about not having a skit.

Our first annoying commercial. "Head On, apply directly to the forehead" over and over. We also did a Snuggie commercial, but I forgot to have someone take the pics of us..we put robes on backwards. And our last one, we yelled, from different places in the church, "It's my money and I want it now!"

FBI Training Refresher Course. I was one of the agents, that's me with the black beanie on. It was a great skit. Hope always does good ones!

The College and Career class did one about an elevator and everyone wanted to get off on the 10th floor. It was the floor with the bathroom. Their teacher, MR. Austin, dressed as a pregnant woman.

The young married class did a skit about a guy being mugged. Dustin was hilarious!

The McBride family entertained with a lip sync to a song about David and Goliath. It was very cute.
The winner....The McBride Family. I'm sure they will display the blue urn with pride!
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