We didn't hit any rain until we got into Pensacola. Chrissy called and told me that God had told her on the way that she was not supposed to go to Pensacola and we could turn around and go home. I said, "Great! Let's go. I had been praying for a sign and asked Him that if He didn't want you to go to PCC this year, that it would be raining when we got there otherwise let it be sunshining." (I was kidding, of course) She laughed. Then, I said, "Watch, when we get on campus, the sun will peak out through the clouds!" Now, when I said this, there was just no way you'd thinnk that could happen. The clouds were thick over the campus and it was really raining. Well, wouldn't you know the minute we turned onto the campus, the sun peeked out for a second!! It was so funny. Of course, I wasn't really looking for any signs, but we were kidding around. Chrissy said it shows that God does have a sense of humor. He is an awesome God to give us a laugh when He knew I was so sad inside.
This is right before we turned onto the side road that leads onto the campus of PCC
Chrissy & Mary after the rain stopped as we were saying goodbye for the day
Griffin Tower...the girls are on the 3rd floor this year...and roommates this time!!
Scary skies as we leave campus to head for the condo...the young man in the foreground must have thought I was taking this of him...he has the funniest look on his face.
Pretty Campus
Theron and I stopped to eat at a seafood restaurant near the condo we rented. I laughed because the wind had blown a lot of their letters off...the last line is what made me laugh. I felt awfully fat after eating, so it was appropriate!!
It was too dark and stormy to go outside once we got to the condo, so this is early the next morning. I love the beach, even when it is stormy. The waves were so big for the Gulf. I know they are bigger in HI and CA, as we've seen those, but the Gulf isn't usually like this at all.
My camera kind of fogged up as I walked outside and took this one, but I think it is a great effect

Notice the two red flags...this means swimming is prohibited. Some silly people were still in the water later, but most obeyed.

There were people on the beach all morning. I didn't go out on the beach on Tuesday until the evening when Theron and I walked a bit. The ones who were there during the day had to keep running in as the bands of weather came in. I had fun just watching them scurry as if they hadn't a clue that a storm was so close. 

These funny tourists were putting up two beach umbrellas as the winds were howling around them. I had quite a good time watching them. They did persevere, though, and did finally get them to stay up awhile.
Here are a few pictures of the little apartment (condo) we stayed in. The girls never did get to come see it. It is a lot smaller than the one we stay in at Thanksgiving, but any place on the beach is great to me!! I love listening to the waves while reading on the balcony. Perfect!!

1 comment:
Although I can't appreciate everything about school, I have to say that seeing pictures of campus really makes me miss being there. **I do not long to go back in time, let me be very clear.** =) But I really did have a blast at school and do miss some of those fun times!
Your beach pictures make me laugh of the people who are "surprised" by the storm in spite of the very dark storm clouds! I'm glad you guys got to go to the beach and see big waves: two really cool things about the beach!
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