Our church does a Mother/Son banquet on leap years, instead of the regular Mother/Daughter fellowships. Here are some pictures I took that night. It was a lot of fun and great food, too!
I'm not sure if they ever did tell Pastor Mike what happened to the ball.
Theron asked me where I wanted to eat for Mother's Day, and I asked if he'd grill steaks and vegies on the grill for me at home. I don't like going out on Mother's Day as the restaurants are way too crowded, and besides, Theron's steaks are awesome! He is a wonderful husband, and such a great dad to our kids. I am truly blessed. God is so good!
You guys are great about taking family pics often, but this one of you and your kids made my eyes well up with tears. It's such a blessing to see your family with 100% of your kids loving the Lord. What a great testimony of Godly parents!
Aw, thanks, Amanda.
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