A stupid squirrel has decided that it likes the girls' RAV4 as its new home. A few weeks ago, the RAV wouldn't start, so Theron looked in and found a squirrel had chewed through some wires, and Theron replaced them. Then, last Friday night Mary had gone out to pick up Johnny & Joey and on the way home the RAV broke down on Rt3 near King George. Darlene went and got the kids, and then Mary drove the guys back to our house in their car. In the meantime, Theron and I arrived to get the RAV, and opened the hood. Lo and behold there was a squirrel's nest in the engine, and it had eaten through some wires, etc. So, about $330 later (not including the towing to the dealership), the RAV was ready to go. Mary and I looked in again yesterday, and this is what we found!! I destroyed the nest, again, and we moved the RAV out by the street, hoping the noise will be too much for the dumb little critter. Theron will get a cage today and set the trap and then Animal Control said they will come take it away once we catch it. From what I've read online, there isn't much else you can do other than catch it or kill it. At this point, I'd love to kill the thing, but I don't think our neighbors would be happy with us if Theron and TJ hid out with their guns in the bushes! Oh, and by the way, the squirrel has now chewed through the power steering fluid line, the front left headlight wires and some other things, so we are looking at another big bill to get it running. We do have an animal/bird damage coverage on our insurance, so we are hoping it will all be covered!!
This nest goes down all the way into the bottom of the engine. The little pellets you see on the back part of the engine are the bits of Critter Rid that we bought and put in there to keep it out. As you can see, it didn't work very well!!

I have never seen that before!! Hope you get him!
Do you remember when Mr. Gleiser borrowed LeAnne's B.B.gun to "scare away" the cats that were tipping over his garbage? ;)
UNBELIEVABLE!!! I hope you catch him!!!
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