Friday, February 29, 2008
Flat Chrissy goes to Africa
Our church just finished up our annual Missions Conference. We had some wonderful missionaries with us. The Owens are going to Sierra Leone in May and the Browers are home on furlough from Africa. While no one was looking, I let Flat Chrissy enjoy the missionaries' tables. Chrissy loves Missions Conferences, so I took Flat Chrissy along on our final night. :)
Flat Chrissy in Sierra Leone

Flat Chrissy up close and personal with a tikki elephant

Sunday Night After Church
Every Sunday night after church, the guys hang around the gym and play basketball and/or skateboard, etc. TJ and Johnny decided against playing basketball this past Sunday night and instead, did skateboard stuff. They spent a lot of time teaching Michael Blakemore to skateboard, too.
Michael trying to figure out how to get on this thing without it rolling away!

Johnny and TJ overseeing Michael's ride on TJ's board

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Hi, there is a new movie coming out this August, by the same church (Sherwood Baptist) that put out Flywheel and Facing the Giants. The new movie will be in theaters in August according to their website. Just thought I'd put the word out, as I just found out about it myself. :) Oh, and the movie is called "Fireproof", and sounds great! Click on the link to the right and read about it on their blog!
When Facing the Giants came out in theaters, none of the Fredericksburg theaters ran it....(they didn't run Amazing Grace either). So, I'm going to keep up on this one, and start a petition if they choose not to run it!! I'll keep you posted!!
When Facing the Giants came out in theaters, none of the Fredericksburg theaters ran it....(they didn't run Amazing Grace either). So, I'm going to keep up on this one, and start a petition if they choose not to run it!! I'll keep you posted!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Chrissy Fine Arts Pix
PCC has Fine Arts programs periodically during the semester. This one was a great one...Christopher Parkening performed Classical Guitar last night. Theron & Rod Salter used to listen to his "records" all the time when they were teens. Theron is very jealous that Chrissy got to hear him in person!
Chrissy with her suitemates

Pretty Chrissy. I asked her to have Ashley take some of just Chrissy for me. Chrissy is not a camera hog at all, so otherwise, I wouldn't have seen any of her...she would have been taking them of everyone else. :)
Chrissy, again...can you tell I miss her terribly?
Chrissy looking pretty, as always
Friday, February 15, 2008
Flat Chrissy Goes to the Country
Since Mary wouldn't let Flat Chrissy come to the Blue Man Group with Theron and me, she took Flat Chrissy with her to the Weavers. Here are some shots they took:
Kristen & Flat Chrissy

Nathen & Flat Chrissy taking a drive.
Flat Chrissy on her way to Cracker Barrel

A Day of Fun
Last weekend, while Theron and I went out of town, the Bryans took TJ, Sam, & Mary
(Flat Chrissy, too) to visit the Weavers for the day. The Weavers, Bryans and our family used to do a lot of things together...the Weavers moved to Red Oak about 2 years ago, so we try to visit when we can. We still haven't been able to get all three families together, but hope to soon.
Squirrel Invasion
A stupid squirrel has decided that it likes the girls' RAV4 as its new home. A few weeks ago, the RAV wouldn't start, so Theron looked in and found a squirrel had chewed through some wires, and Theron replaced them. Then, last Friday night Mary had gone out to pick up Johnny & Joey and on the way home the RAV broke down on Rt3 near King George. Darlene went and got the kids, and then Mary drove the guys back to our house in their car. In the meantime, Theron and I arrived to get the RAV, and opened the hood. Lo and behold there was a squirrel's nest in the engine, and it had eaten through some wires, etc. So, about $330 later (not including the towing to the dealership), the RAV was ready to go. Mary and I looked in again yesterday, and this is what we found!! I destroyed the nest, again, and we moved the RAV out by the street, hoping the noise will be too much for the dumb little critter. Theron will get a cage today and set the trap and then Animal Control said they will come take it away once we catch it. From what I've read online, there isn't much else you can do other than catch it or kill it. At this point, I'd love to kill the thing, but I don't think our neighbors would be happy with us if Theron and TJ hid out with their guns in the bushes! Oh, and by the way, the squirrel has now chewed through the power steering fluid line, the front left headlight wires and some other things, so we are looking at another big bill to get it running. We do have an animal/bird damage coverage on our insurance, so we are hoping it will all be covered!!
This nest goes down all the way into the bottom of the engine. The little pellets you see on the back part of the engine are the bits of Critter Rid that we bought and put in there to keep it out. As you can see, it didn't work very well!!

Chrissy @ PCC on Valentine's Day
These are pictures taken with Ashley G's camera. Last night was the Valentine's Dinner and tonight will be the Fine Arts performance. Tonight is the night they dress up, so I'll post those pictures once she gets them from Ashley. The last picture is a picture taken before last week's PCC/Clearwater Baskeball game.
Chrissy, Ashley G., Liz

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Johnny Doing Great
Hi, I talked with Joey last night at church, and Johnny's fever had gone away completely at that time. Praise the Lord! Tomorrow is not an easy day of treatment for him, though, so please keep Johnny in your prayers on Friday.
Our God is an awesome God. I was reading in Psalm 104 today, and it just reminded me of how all powerful and loving God truly is. I love those praise Psalms!
Our God is an awesome God. I was reading in Psalm 104 today, and it just reminded me of how all powerful and loving God truly is. I love those praise Psalms!
Babysitters Plus
Hi, my niece, Kara Birkey was interviewed by a local TV station in Tampa, Florida about her new website. If you need a babysitter, go to! Here is a link to her interview. Isn't she pretty? My grandnephew and grandniece are also seen in this clip!! :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Prayer Request
Hi, I just talked with Darlene and she asked me to post this on the blog. She asked that we pray that they are able to stay home until Friday. They are supposed to go in on Friday for his next chemo. He has a low grade fever, and can stay home unless it goes over a certain point. Johnny is doing fine, and thus far has not contracted the flu bug that seems to be hitting all of us. Thanks for your prayers on the Bryans' behalf. They know that people are praying for them and it helps.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Blue Man Group
I bought Theron Blue Man Group tickets for part of his Christmas present this year. We went up to Northern VA on Saturday afternoon and had lunch at our favorite restaurant in that area, Mike's American Grill. We then went and checked into our Hampton Inn room in Herndon. Theron took me for dessert at the Fair Lakes mall, then we headed over to the Patriots Center to see the concert. It was a nice weekend getaway. We decided to make it an overnight thing, since he has been and will be out of town quite a bit. We thought they would do more percussion-type stuff, but since this was the MegaStar tour, it was more rocky. Although it was a bit too hard rock for our taste (screaming electric guitars in some songs), we did enjoy the show. We hope to try to catch one of their more percussionist tours someday. They were very entertaining, and quite funny, too.

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