Mary Stone. Wife, Mom, Daughter, Grandma, Sister, Aunt, Sunday School Teacher, Friend, Confidant, Helper, Mentor...My mom! My mom was such a wonderful mom. She loved all of her 5 children equally and was such a sweet person. She was godly woman, and was truly the picture of the Proverbs 31 lady. She was the best example of a wife and mom to me. When I was 6 years old, she led me to the Lord and I accepted Him as Savior. She had the best advice over the years, and was always there when I needed her. She listened and laughed and cried with me. When I was 16 years old, I told her that some day if my kids love me half as much as I love her, that I would consider myself a success. She was just so awesome, that even a 16 year old twit (me) could see how special she was. She was the epitomy of "love". When you read I Corinthians 13, that's my mom. I miss her every day, and know that one day, I'll get to see her in Heaven. What a day that will be! I do ask God to give her a hug for me every once in awhile, and I believe He does. :)
Here are a few pictures of Mom over the years.

This is my mom, Uncle Jack and Aunt Edith
Vanessa, Davey, Mom and Grandma Dorothy
Lisa, Vanessa, and Mom on Grandpa's farm in IL.
Aunt Edith, Mom, Lisa and Grandma Dorothy
A surprise picture of Mom in the car as we drive to Illinois for vacation. That's a car filled with 5 kids and 2 adults and she SMILED when she turned around! Notice, she is sitting in the middle of the front seat, and one of us kids is sitting next to her. Talk about crowded!
Mom and Dad on one of their anniversaries
Mom playing pool with me! She was so much fun!!
Either Mother's Day or her birthday in the late 80's or early 90's
Mom and all of her grandkids, 1991.
They all loved her so much. Mary and Chrissy called her "Mom" because that's what they heard me call her. I was "Mommy" but she was "Mom". :)
All of Mom and Dad's grandkids, before Michelle and my kids came along.
A surprise picture, once again, and she's still smiling. :) This was at Theron's and my house the first time Mom, Dad and Lisa came to visit us. We had such a great time. I had missed her so much.
A picture at a Mother's Day banquet with Mom and my sisters. You can't see Mom very well, she is on the front left corner, then Nessa, Jo, and me.
Mother's Day 1991 with Mary and Chrissy. Mary was named after my mom, and Chrissy after Theron's mom.
Mom and Dad at my house in NM up in the mountains.
Mom and Dad gettin' cozy on the swing outside on Grandpa's farm. Aren't they so cute?
Mom and Chrissy on Mother's Day. I love this picture!! They were really laughing at something. Mom's cancer had gone to her spine, so she wasn't allowed to pick up the girls any more. She would sit down and tell them to climb into her lap (becuase they always wanted her to hold them and read to them). As they climbed up, she'd help more than she was supposed to, and sing "Climb, climb up sunshine mountain" to them. She was such a neat grandma. She wasn't about to give up holding them even if she wasn't supposed to lift them.
Mom with the girls and TJ. This is right after he was born...he was just a few hours old.
TJ with Mom. He was a chunky little thing! We lived with Mom and Dad when Theron went to Turkey for a year. That was a bittersweet year, as I missed Theron so much, but learned to appreciate the time with my parents. Mom had told me one day when I was so depressed, "Stop saying 'I'll be happy when..' and start being happy NOW. You have so much to be thankful for!" What words of wisdom! I was able to listen to that and enjoyed my time with her that year. That was her last full year of feeling well and she died about a year and a half later. I am so thankful I listened and relished the times with her that year. That was a hidden blessing at the time, as I missed Theron so much, but I look back at that year as a God hug for me. It not only gave me time with Mom and Dad and the girls and TJ time with family, but it strengthened my marriage, too.
She was very patient!
Mom and Dad with the girls. I think this is Easter of 1991.
Another picture of Mom with Chrissy, Mary and TJ.
This is the last picture taken of me with Mom. This was taken October, 1993. She passed away January, 1994. We got to see her in Dec. 1993, but she wasn't feeling well and didn't want any pictures taken of her then. I love you, Mom!! You are the best mom ever!!