We flew Chrissy home on Thursday, March 20th, to surprise the Bryans. She and Mary came up with the idea a few weeks ago. It also turned out to be perfect, because Mary and TJ couldn't come to Pensacola with us for Spring Break, so Chrissy still got to spend time with them. She and Mary showed up at the teen activity on Friday night, and surprised Joey Bryan. He was SO shocked..it was neat. Then, on Saturday afternoon our whole family went to Fairfax to see Johnny, and he was very shocked to see her walk in, too. What a great time they had playing silly games and laughing their heads off while driving the nurses nuts!! They wouldn't allow me to take pictures, though, so you'll just have to take my word that they had a great day. Teenagers!!
Here are a few pictures I took this weekend.
That blur is Chrissy coming from the gate at the terminal. I was so excited to see her, I couldn't stay still enough to get a good shot.
This is right before Chrissy got to the airport. They all were trying to hide from my camera.
Here I finally convinced them to look at me. I think I bribed them with allowance money or something!!
This is on Sunday right before Theron, Chrissy, Sam and I left for Florida.
Here are all four of my kids together.
Here are the twins. Aren't they pretty?? Sweet, too!!