Sunday, March 30, 2014

Wow, it's been awhile! Guess I have a lot to catch up on. :)  I won't even try to do three years' worth of blogging, but will start from where we are.   Theron and I have gained a son in law, become grandparents and getting ready to be empty nesters!  :

Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy 26th Anniversary to Us

 We decided to stay at the Gaylord National for our annivesary this year. We only stayed one night, as Chrissy is only home for 2 weeks.  We had a great time, though.  This is the Tree of Light, see the sign below to know all about it!

 The atrium as seen from the bottom floor.  So pretty!  It seems a lot smaller than the one in Orlando, but it was just as pretty.  Everything was all decorated for Christmas, of course.
 This is when we first arrived and had already been to our room.  We were heading over to the Ice Pavillion.
 The preview talk and movie.

 They gave us these huge parkas to wear while going through the display.
 The slides made of ice...they wouldn't allow me to use the slide, though, as they said my heels were too high and they wouldn't allow stocking feet either!  Next time...comfy shoes!
 These ice sculptures were were the parkas!!
 haha We look so big!  LOL

 They had this as the last display and had a recording giving the Christmas story!

 Outside the Ice Pavillion and looking toward our hotel.
 We took a walk around the Harbor area after seeing the ice.  This tree was huge and changed colors in time to Christmas music being played over the loudspeaker.

 Huge sculpture in the sand.
 When checking in, I mentioned it was our 26th anniversary.  They upgraded us at no charge and then this waiting for us when we got back to our room later that night. Awesome!!
 We watched one of the Christmas shows..I believe this was the lighting of the tree...and it snowed inside!
 Part of the show
 The tree...all lit up.
 These curtains of light were called "the Northern Lights".
 The view from the hallway on the 18th floor near the elevators.
 The view from our balcony.
 Theron and me on our balcony!
We had a wonderful 2 days spending time together and celebrating our anniversary. We left MD late Thursday morning and then meandered, eating, and laughing all the way home.It was a GREAT anniversary and I'm so thankful for my sweet husband.
 Theron surprised me on the night of the 20th and brought this and some flowers home for me to "kick off" our anniversary celebration. He's very thoughtful!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

We are on Perdido Key for the 5th year in a row.  We love our vacation time here every Thanksgiving.  If I had an extra $500,000 lying around, I'd buy this condo in a heartbeat.  I'm behing on my postings, so thought I'd get ahead for a bit.  :)  My goal is to post at least one new posting a day on this Heading and one new set of pics for past adventures each day, too. 
Kara and Samantha on our balcony.  Kara's never been to this condo, so it was fun showing her around and seeing her reaction to the view.   I love this place!

 Sunset the view from our balcony.  We headed off to meet TJ and Chrissy at the mexican restaurant down the street right after this.  We had seen them at PCC when we stopped by on our way to the condo.  Kara got to see her sister and we delivered all the packages to the other kids who are from our church whose moms sent stuff for them with us.
 Ahhhh, the beach.
 Our pretty Sammy
 Samantha and Kara hiding from the camera
 Sunset, time to eat
Sunrise!  I got up to say goodbye to Chrissy and TJ as they headed to school this morning.  I was going to go back to bed, since it was even 7 when they left, but I've decided to catch up on some work, then head out to read my Bible on the balcony.  It's gonna be a lovely day.  I'm so thankful that we were able to come again this year.  What a blessing.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

PCC Here We Come! Sept 2011

It's that time of year!  Can't believe how quickly time flies.  The summer was here and gone. I'll upload the rest of the summer later, but wanted to at least get our trip to FL on here before we head back in November!

 Tropical Storm Lee was heading toward the coast as we were getting to Perdido Key. The usual tranquil Gulf was rough and windy. It was beautiful to see, though!  This is the view from our balcony.
 The tide was coming in, but the condo next door didn't even bring their chairs in. They were still there the next day. I was surprised.
 The "kids" spent the night with us at the condo on Sat night, then checked into PCC Sunday afternoon.  Afterwards we all went out for lunch.
 Chrissy and Amber being silly.
 Chrissy and Amber
 TJ, Johnny & Joey trying to ignore me
 Theron & me
 TJ, Joey, Johnny, Chrissy and I went down to the beach when we got done with lunch.
 We waited for the weather to be clear (between squalls), but the ocean was still churned up.
 Me & Lee on Perdido Key   :)
 I think that is TJ.  The boys played ball and Chrissy and I took a walk.
 The waves and swells were HUGE!  Awesome show of God's power.
 A pretty bird braving the storm.
 Love those waves!
 A random branch stuck in the sand. 
 My three sons and one daughter.  :)
 Not sure what Johnny was doing, but they were all acting crazy! 
 Another squall heading our way...time to go inside!
 Here it comes!

 Monday night Theron and I headed to The Oyster House in Alabama for a date night.
 Holding the camera for a quick photo.  We look funny close up. LOL
 Sunrise on our way to breakfast with the kids to say goodbye.
 We met Chrissy and TJ at Steak N Shake to eat breakfast before heading to Sarasota for Dad's 82nd birthday.
 My kids and me before Theron and I left.
 The view from our condo. Much calmer!
 I had to take one more walk down the beach before leaving.
 The birds were enjoying the nicer weather.  The waves were still bigger than normal, but much smaller than they had been all weekend.

 Yep, still a bit rough for the normally tranquil Gulf shore.
Bye Perdido Key!  See you in November!!